Lorenzo il Magnifico New Edition

Lorenzo il Magnifico New Edition

Lorenzo Il Magnifico Anthology Reprint In progress
79.99 € Taxes will be calculated after entering the shipping address.

In reprint

Duration 90'
Age 12
Players 2 - 5
Flaminia Brasini
Virginio Gigli
Simone Luciani

Klemens Franz


Lorenzo il Magnifico is a complex and strategic game with no luck dependence. Players will place their Family Members in different areas of the city to perform actions, but these Family Members are never the same as they change value every round. They will conquer new territories, sponsor magnificent buildings, encourage brave ventures and surround themselves with important characters. If they are smart and powerful enough, they can attract some of the most renowned contemporary celebrities and use their powers.With the expansion – Houses of Renaissance – included in the box, you can find a new player in the game and new mechanics that will greatly change the game each time you play Lorenzo il Magnifico.

The box will include:
  • Lorenzo Il Magnifico Base game;
  • Houses of Renaissance Expansion;
  • 4 Leader Promo Cards (Raffaello Sanzio, Niccolò Machiavelli, Carlo VIII and Jacopo Salviati;
  • The Pazzi Conspiracy Expansion.

COD: CC260


What's in the box

Base Game 1 A2 Board, 4 A4 Personal Boards, 6 A4 Punchboards with a lot of tiles, 96 Development Cards, 20 Leader Cards, 76 Wooden Pieces, 1 Rulebook Expansion 1 A4 Card Board, 1 A4 Personal Board, 4 A4 Punchboards, 48 Special Development Cards, 20 Leader Cards, 42 Wooden Pieces, 1 Rulebook Pazzi Conspiracy 24 cards Exclusive Contents 2 new family tiles: Della Scala, Viscont


Reviews, unboxing and gaming tutorials

Lorenzo il Magnifico | Boardgame Tutorial

Lorenzo il Magnifico | Boardgame Preview

Lorenzo il Magnifico | Unboxing

The Dice Tower | Review with Tom Vasel

Slickerdrips | First Impressions

Man Vs Meeple | Review

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79.99 €

In reprint

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